Today the odds of coming into contact with Bed Bugs is very high. These tiny creatures will certainly upset you and create some itchy spots the very next day on your body.
These are some questions I always get. So I will share with you some of the answers.
So what are bedbugs & how do you identify them
Bedbugs are small, brown and very elusive. This means they hide during the day and come out when you are sleeping to feed. They are no bigger than an 1-3mm. It’s not easy to see them unless you know where to look and often when they bite you, that’s the first time you get an idea that they are there. Often bites are in a long line or string across the body. This is because they line up along the hosts body along the sheet to feed. Really sick isn’t it?
Bed Bugs usually suck the blood of some unsuspecting person they bite. They cannot fly, but they can travel long distances through rooms of your home to get to where you are sleeping. They can move quickly when crawling over floors and bedding.
Why are there so many?
Females will lay a large number of eggs in very little time. These eggs are very small that it’s almost impossible for a person to see them. When the eggs hatch, nymphs develop very fast and within one month they are ready to lay eggs themselves. This is why a small problem becomes a real epidemic within weeks. At this stage we believe they do not transmit any known diseases.
Where can I find them?
Bed Bugs can enter your home on your clothes, suitcases, visitors. You can pick them up just about anywhere and with cheap travel and accommodation they thrive. But it’s important to state that Bed Bugs don’t care if it’s 1 star or 6 stars, or if your home is 99.99% germ free. They are so tiny that they can fit into virtually any space and make it their home. Mattresses, bed frames, alarm clocks, lamps & side drawers are their favourite spots. Within these locations they can have easy access to their host whom they can bite. The problem will start on one bedroom and If they are not treated in time, they can move to all other bedrooms and then throughout whole house.
What happens when they bite?
Their main period of activity is early in the morning but this can vary. They wait until their hosts are asleep, move up into the bedding and feed over a period of up to 10 minutes. The rear area of their bodies fill up with blood and they slip away without being noticed. Sometimes blood spotting can be seen on the sheets and mattresses.
Their bites are not painful at that time, but later on some people notice they are incredibly itchy. Most people will develop a rash after being bitten, and even more will have some kind of reaction.
It’s a bit of a nightmare story and so you shouldn’t delay getting it looked at. If you think you have a problem click hereto arrange a free quote.
Today the odds of coming into contact with Bed Bugs is very high. These tiny creatures will certainly upset you and create some itchy spots the very next day on your body.
These are some questions I always get. So I will share with you some of the answers.
So what are bedbugs & how do you identify them?
Bedbugs are small, brown and very elusive. This means they hide during the day and come out when you are sleeping to feed. They are no bigger than an 1-3mm. It’s not easy to see them unless you know where to look and often when they bite you, that’s the first time you get an idea that they are there. Often bites are in a long line or string across the body. This is because they line up along the hosts body along the sheet to feed. Really sick isn’t it?
Bed Bugs usually suck the blood of some unsuspecting person they bite. They cannot fly, but they can travel long distances through rooms of your home to get to where you are sleeping. They can move quickly when crawling over floors and bedding.
Why are there so many?
Females will lay a large number of eggs in very little time. These eggs are very small that it’s almost impossible for a person to see them. When the eggs hatch, nymphs develop very fast and within one month they are ready to lay eggs themselves. This is why a small problem becomes a real epidemic within weeks. At this stage we believe they do not transmit any known diseases.
Where can I find them?
Bed Bugs can enter your home on your clothes, suitcases, visitors. You can pick them up just about anywhere and with cheap travel and accommodation they thrive. But it’s important to state that Bed Bugs don’t care if it’s 1 star or 6 stars, or if your home is 99.99% germ free. They are so tiny that they can fit into virtually any space and make it their home. Mattresses, bed frames, alarm clocks, lamps & side drawers are their favourite spots. Within these locations they can have easy access to their host whom they can bite. The problem will start on one bedroom and If they are not treated in time, they can move to all other bedrooms and then throughout whole house.
What happens when they bite?
Their main period of activity is early in the morning but this can vary. They wait until their hosts are asleep, move up into the bedding and feed over a period of up to 10 minutes. The rear area of their bodies fill up with blood and they slip away without being noticed. Sometimes blood spotting can be seen on the sheets and mattresses.
Their bites are not painful at that time, but later on some people notice they are incredibly itchy. Most people will develop a rash after being bitten, and even more will have some kind of reaction.
It’s a bit of a nightmare story and so you shouldn’t delay getting it looked at. If you think you have a problem click hereto arrange a free quote.
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