It may come as a surprise to some but Australia is a very big place. I remember being on a tour in Perth and over hearing some excited Irish tourists planning to hire a car & drive to Uluru and back on the same day, only 7338km there and back. As you can imagine I just about fell off my seat laughing. After both myself & the bus driver explained how far away Uluru was and telling these wide eyed pilgrims that you can fit the whole of Europe into Western Australia alone, just to get some prospective. Their response was that Aussie was a “bloody big place”.
So getting back on point. We have hot & dry places. Wet & tropical. High country with snow and even green places. And then there’s Sydney all on its own. So pest control is going to be different in each area and will need to take into account the local conditions, climate and local/state laws governing the use of chemicals and treatments.
Even here in SA, what works in Ceduna may not be effective in Adelaide. Back in the day when I worked for another company & traveling the mid north, you had to be aware of what will work and what didn’t. Talking to the local pest tech up there was always an important step to ensure a successful outcome to any treatment. Short story I learned quite a lot.
Pest control and tech
A side note to the above is the frustration pest control techs have when working for the larger companies. I have found that they can’t use the correct treatments or chemicals because the parent company doesn’t use them at their home base or are considered too expensive or are not allowed to use them by law in their state. The flow on effect is that the local branch depots can’t access the correct products and deliver substandard results. I have come across this here in Adelaide when talking to other techs and they feel very handicapped by this.
So what should you be looking for when it comes to pest control in Adelaide? Someone local is always a great start. Not just looking for someone in SA, but someone who is just down the road. Smaller companies offer local service and most times are able to respond with short lead times for appointments. Also you will most likely get the same tech out who will develop a good knowledge of you. your home and the problem. Not knocking the larger companies to hard but they will rotate their staff through and you may end up having to tell the story over and over as you get another tech turning up at your door.
Adelaide pest control and licence.
You should also ask to see their pest control licence and insurance certificate of compliance. Get a copy of each for your records. The tech should be able to email or print this off for you. This will protect you should anything go bump in the night. A great pest control tech will always take time to understand what’s going on and to discuss a solution and the costs involved. At no stage should you feel intimidated by what’s going on. When I quote a job my main focus is demonstrating what products/treatments are best and ensuring that my customer has a sound knowledge on these before I leave. So at least when they look at other quotes they will have a good understanding of what is right for them. It’s like buying shoes. Yes there are some cheap shoes out there but they aren’t comfortable and they certainly don’t last. Buy the best and get the best.
By selecting a local company you are helping a local business. That means your money gets spent here in Adelaide and doesn’t go off to Sydney or out of state shareholders. I always say to my customers that I have only one share holder I have to keep happy and that’s the office manager better known as my wife.
Take care Rob.
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